Terms of Service


  • +$5 - $13 USD Extra character

  • +$13 - $9 USD Extra character in Fullbody and Chibi style

  • You can ask for WIP

  • The waiting time can last between one to two weeks. Of course you can ask about the status of your commission

  • U can ask for changes until I work on your commission

  • I won't change the final results after posting and finish it, additional changes will cost extra (important stuff I missed will not have cost).

  • You can't use my art for any commercial purpose nor can you resell it

  • The commission can be private, let me know if you want it that way!


  • I only accept PayPal & Transfers from Mexico. [Just Remember! $1 USD = $19 MXN ]

  • The payment will be sent first.


  • Furry, Sonic Mobian, Anthro, Human & Monsters

  • Girls & Boys

  • Soft gore.

  • Fanart and original characters.

  • Ships and different bodies.

  • NSFW

No, Sorry :(

  • Hard Monsters

  • Mecha

  • Extreme gore

  • Rare fetishes

  • Complicated NSFW